Journal papers

  1. L. Breyne, G. Torfs, X. Yin, P. Demeester, J. Bauwelinck, “Comparison between analog radio-over-fiber and sigma delta modulated radio-over-fiber”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, ISSN 1041-1135, Vol. 29, Nr. 21, November 2017, pp. 1808-1811.
  2. T. Deckmyn, S. Agneessens, A.C.F. Reniers, A.B. Smolders, M. Cauwe, D. Vande Ginste, H. Rogier, “A novel 60 GHz wideband coupled half-mode/quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide antenna”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, ISSN 0018-926X, Vol. 65, Nr. 12, December 2017, pp. 6915-6926.
  3. G. Torfs, H. Li, S. Agneessens, J. Bauwelinck, L. Breyne, O. Caytan, W. Joseph, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, A. Thielens, D. Vande Ginste, J. Van Kerrebrouck, G. Vermeeren, X. Yin, P. Demeester, “ATTO: Wireless networking at Fiber Speed”, invited, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, Vol. 36, Nr. 8, April 2018, pp. 1468-1477.
  4. O. Caytan, L. Bogaert, H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, S. Lemey, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, S. Agneessens, D. Vande Ginste, H. Rogier, “Passive opto-antenna as downlink remote antenna unit for radio frequency over Fiber”, to be published, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, 2018.
  5. K. Y. Kapusuz, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, “Substrate-independent microwave components in substrate integrated waveguide technology for high-performance smart surfaces”, to be published, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, ISSN 0018-9480, 2018.
  6. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, G. Torfs, W. Joseph, Statistical approach for human electromagnetic exposure assessment in future Wireless ATTO-cell networks, published, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2018, pp. 1-6
  7. H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, O. Caytan, H. Rogier, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs,”Self-interference cancellation enabling high-throughput short-reach wireless full-duplex communication“, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, ISSN 1536-1276,Vol. 17,Nr. 10, October 2018, pp. 6475-6486
  8. H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, Maximally flat and least-square co-design of variable fractional delay filters for wideband software-defined radio, published, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, ISSN 0218-1266, Vol. 28, Nr. 1, January 2019, pp. 1-20
  9. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, P. Demeester, L. Martens, G. Torfs, and W. Joseph, “Hybrid Ray-Tracing/FDTD Method for Human Exposure Evaluation of a Massive MIMO Technology in an Industrial Indoor Environment“, IEEE Access. PP. 1-1. 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2897921.
  10. H. Fazeli Khalili, S. Lemey, O. Caytan, T. Deckmyn, S. Agneessens, D. Vande Ginste, H. Rogier, “Biodegradable dual semicircular patch antenna tile for smart floors“, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , ISSN 1536-1225, Vol. 18, Nr. 2, February 2019.
  11. H.Li, L. Breyne, J. Van Kerrebrouck, M. Verplaetse, C.-Y. Wu, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “A 21-GS/s single-bit second-order ΔΣ modulator for FPGAs“, to be published, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
  12. O. Caytan, L. Bogaert, H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, S. Lemey, S. Agneessens, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, D. Vande Ginste, H. Rogier, “Compact and wideband transmit opto-antenna for radio frequency over fiber“, Optics Express, ISSN 1094-4087, Vol. 27, Nr. 6, March 2019, pp. 1-19
  13. T. Deckmyn, M. Cauwe, H. Rogier, D. Vande Ginste, S. Agneessens, “Dual-Band (28,38) GHz coupled quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide antenna array for next generation wireless systems“, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, ISSN 0018-926X, Vol. 67, Nr. 4, April 2019.
  14. K. Y. Kapusuz, S. Lemey, A. Petrocchi, P. Demeester,D. Schreurs, H. Rogier, “Polarization reconfigurable air-filled substrate integrated waveguide cavity-backed slot antenna“, IEEE Access, ISSN 2169-3536, 2019.
  15. L. Bogaert, K. Van Gasse, T. Spuesens, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, “Silicon photonics traveling wave photodiode with integrated star coupler for high linearity mm wave applications“, Optics Express, ISSN 1094-4087, Vol. 26, Nr. 26, 2018.
  16. K. Van Gasse, L. Bogaert, L. Breyne, J. Van Kerrebrouck, S. Dhoore, C. Op de Beeck, A. Katumba, C.-Y. W, H. Li, J. Verbist, A. Rahim, A. Abbasi, B. Moeneclaey, Z. Wang, H. Chen, J. Van Campenhout, X. Yin, B. Kuyken, G. Morthier, J. Bauwelinck, G. Torfs, G. Roelkens, “Analog radio-over-fiber transceivers based on III-V-on-silicon photonics“, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, ISSN 1041-1135, Vol. 30,Nr. 21, November 2018.
  17. K. Van Gasse, J. Verbist, H. Li, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, “Silicon Photonics Radio-Over-Fiber Transmitter Using GeSi EAMs for Frequency Up-Conversion“, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, ISSN 1041-1135, Vol. 31,Nr. 2, Jan 2019.
  18. M. Verplaetse, L. Breyne, J. Van Kerrebrouck, P. Ossieur, G. Torfs, “Electronic Dispersion Precompensation of Direct-Detected NRZ using Analog Filtering“, in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, ISSN 1041-1135, Vol. 31,Nr. 22, November 2019.
  19. H. Li, M. Verplaetse, J. Verbist, J. Van Kerrebrouck, L. Breyne, C.-Y. Wu, L. Bogaert, B. Moeneclaey, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Real-Time 100-GS/s sigma-delta modulator for all-digital radio-over-fiber transmission“, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, Vol. 38, Nr. 2, January 2020, pp. 386-393.
  20. C-Y. Wu, H. Li, O. Caytan, J. Van Kerrebrouck, L. Breyne, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Distributed multi-user MIMO transmission using real-time sigma-delta-over-fiber for next generation fronthaul interface“, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, Vol. 38, Nr. 4, February 2020, pp. 705-713.
  21. C-Y. Wu, H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, A. Van Dienrendonck, I. Lima de Paula, L. Breyne, O. Caytan, S. Lemey, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Distributed antenna system using sigma-delta intermediate-frequency-over-fiber for frequency bands above 24GHz”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, Vol. 38, Nr. 10, May 2020, pp. 2764-2772.
  22. M. Verplaetse, J. Lambrecht, M. Vanhoecke, L. Breyne, H. Ramon, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Analog I/Q FIR Filter in 55nm SiGe BiCMOS for 16-QAM Optical Communications at 112 Gb/s”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, ISSN 0018-9200, Vol. 55, Nr. 7, July 2020, pp. 1935-1945.
  23. L. Bogaert, H. Li, K. Van Gasse, J. Van Kerrebrouck, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Torfs, “36 Gb/s narrowband photoreceiver for mmWave analog Radio-Over-Fiber”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, Vol. 38, Nr. 12, June 2020, pp. 3289-3295.
  24. L. Breyne, H. Ramon, K. Van Gasse, M. Verplaetse, J. Lambrecht, M. Vanhoecke, J. Van Campenhout, G. Roelkens, P. Ossieur, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, “50 GBd PAM4 transmitter with a 55nm SiGe BiCMOS driver and silicon photonic segmented MZM“, Optics Express, ISSN 1094-4087, Vol. 28, Nr. 16, July 2020, pp. 23950-23960.
  25. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, G. Torfs, W. Joseph, “Massive MIMO propagation modeling with user-induced coupling effects using ray-tracing and FDTD“, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, ISSN 0733-8716, Vol. 38, Nr. 9, September 2020, pp. 1955-1963.
  26. L. Bogaert, J. Van Kerrebrouck, L. Breyne, J. Lambrecht, H. Li, K. Van Gasse, J. Verbist, M. Vanhoecke, H. Ramon, S.A. Srinivasan, P. De Heyn, J. Van Campenhout, P. Ossieur, P. Demeester, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, G. Torfs, G. Roelkens, “SiGe EAM-based transceivers for datacenter interconnects and radio over fiber“, invited, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, ISSN 1077-260X, Vol. 27, Nr. 3, May-June 2021, pp. 1-13.
  27. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, S. Aerts, L. Verloock, G. Torfs, L. Martens, P. Demeester, W. Joseph, “Ray-tracing-based numerical assessment of the spatiotemporal duty cycle of 5G massive MIMO in an outdoor urban environment“, Applied Sciences, ISSN 2076-3417, Vol. 10, Nr. 21, November 2020, pp. 1-15.
  28. K. Y. Kapusuz, A. Vanden Berghe, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, “Partially-filled half-mode substrate integrated waveguide leaky-wave antenna for 24-GHz automotive radar“, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, ISSN 1536-1225, Vol. 20, Nr. 1, January 2021, pp. 33-37.
  29. J. Declercq, H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, M. Verplaetse, H. Ramon, L. Bogaert, J. Lambrecht, C.-Y. Wu, L. Breyne, O. Caytan, S. Lemey, J. Bauwelinck, X. Yin, P. Ossieur, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Low power all-digital radio-over-fiber transmission for 28-GHz band using parallel electro-absorption modulators”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, Vol. 39, Nr. 4, February 2021, pp. 1125-1131.
  30. L. Bogaert, J. Van Kerrebrouck, H. Li, I. Lima de Paula, K. Van Gasse, C;-Y. Wu P. Ossieur, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, P. Demeester, G. Roelkens, J. Bauwelinck, G. Torfs, “SiPhotonics/GaAs 28-GHz transceiver with reflective EAM for laser-less mmWave-Over-Fiber”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, Vol. 39, Nr. 3, February 2021, pp. 779-786.
  31. I. Lima, de Paula, S. Lemey, D. Bosman, Q. Van den Brande, O. Caytan, J. Lambrecht, M. Cauwe, G. Torfs, H. Rogier, “Cost-effective high-performance air-filled SIW antenna array for the Global 5G 26 GHz and 28 GHz Bands”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, ISSN 1536-1225, Vol. 20, Nr. 2, February 2021, pp.194-198.
  32. L. Breyne, J. Lambrecht, M. Verplaetse, X. Yin, G. Roelkens, P. Ossieur, J. Bauwelinck, “Electro-optic frequency response shaping using embedded FIR filters in slow-wave modulators”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, Vol. 39, Nr. 6, March 2021, pp. 1777-1784.
  33. K.Y. Kapusuz, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, “Multipolarization-reconfigurable air-filled substrate integrated waveguide cavity-backed slot antenna“, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, ISSN 1536-1225, Vol. 20, Nr. 4, April 2021, pp. 622-626.
  34. C-Y. Wu, H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, C. Meysmans, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “A bit-interleaved sigma-delta-over-fiber fronthaul network for frequency-synchronous distributed antenna systems“, Applied Sciences, ISSN 2076-3417, Vol. 11, December 2021, pp. 1-14.
  35. A. Moerman, J. Van Kerrebrouck, O. Caytan, I. Lima de Paula, L. Bogaert, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, H. Rogier, S. Lemey, “Beyond 5G without obstacles: mmWave-over-fiber distributed antenna systems“, IEEE Communications Magazine, ISSN 0163-6804, Vol. 60, Nr. 1, January 2022, pp. 27-33.
  36. L. Van Messem, A. Moerman, O. Caytan, I. Lima de Paula, B. Hoflack, B. Stroobandt, S. Lemey, M. Moeneclaey, H. Rogier, “A 4 chi 4 millimeterwave-frequency butler matrix in grounded co-planar waveguide technology for compact integration with 5G antenna arrays“, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, ISSN 0018-9480, Vol. 2022, 2022, pp. 1-13.
  37. I. Lima de Paula, L. Bogaert, O. Caytan, J. Van Kerrebrouck, A. Moerman, M. Muneeb, Q. Van den Brande, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, H. Rogier, P. Demeester, G. Roelkens, S. Lemey, “Air-filled SIW remote antenna unit with true time delay optical beamforming for mmWave-over-fiber systems“, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, 2022, pp. 1-15.
  38. A. Felaco, K.Y. Kapusuz, H. Rogier, D. Vande Ginste, “Spherical fourier-transform-based real-TimeNear-field shaping and focusing in beyond-5G networks“, Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220, Vol. 23, Nr. 3323, 2023, pp. 1-16.
  39. N. Singh, G. Torfs, J. Van Kerrebrouck, R. Broucke, P. Demeester, X. Yin, “60 GHz analog radio-over-fiber single sideband transmitter chipset with 55nm SiGe BiCMOS driver RFIC and silicon photonics modulator PIC“, Journal of Lightwave Technology, ISSN 0733-8724, 2023, pp. 1-7.

Conference papers

  1. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Comparison of human EM-exposure in fifth generation wireless technologies : ATTO vs. massive MIMO”, Proceedings of BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), 5-9 June 2017, Hangzhou, China, pp. 518-522.
  2. G. Vermeeren, A. Thielens, O. Caytan, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, J. Bauwelinck, H. Rogier, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Radiofrequency Exposure induced by an Attocell of an Ultra-High Density Access Network”, Proceedings of BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), 5-9 June 2017, Hangzhou, China, pp. 284-288.
  3. G. Vermeeren, S. Kuehn, B. Debaillie, G. Torfs, N. Kuster, P. Demeester, W. Van Thillo, L. Martens, W. Joseph, to be published, “Exposure assessment of 60 GHz communication antenna and 79 GHz automotive radar”, Proceedings of BioEM2018 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), 25-29 June 2018, Piran Portoroz, Slovenia.
  4. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Industrial indoor massive MIMO human EM-exposure evaluation”, to be published, Proceedings of BioEM2018 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), 25-29 June 2018, Piran Portoroz, Slovenia.
  5. H. Li, O. Caytan, J. Van Kerrebrouck, L. Bogaert, C.-Y. Wu, L. Breyne, J. Bauwelinck, H. Rogier, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Sigma-Delta Radio-over-Fiber with Passive Opto- Antenna for Low-Power Short-Reach Optical-Wireless Downlink“, Proceedings of the Symposium IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, 15-16 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 120-123.
  6. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, E. Tanghe, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Hybrid Ray-Tracing/Finite-Difference Time-Domain method for human EMF-exposure assessment of a massive MIMO technology“, Proceedings of BioEM2019 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), 23-28 June 2019, Montpellier, France.
  7. L. Bogaert, J. Verbist, K. Van Gasse, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, “Germanium Photodetector with Monolithically Integrated Narrowband Matching Network on a Silicon Photonics Platform“, Proceedings of the European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), 2019, Ghent, Belgium.
  8. L. Breyne, J. Verbist, J. Zhang, P. Demeester, G. Roelkens, G. Torfs, “Flexible Integrated Silicon Photonic mm-Wave Frequency Upconversion Using GeSi EAMs“, Proceedings of the European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), 2019, Ghent, Belgium.
  9. J. Van Kerrebrouck, L. Bogaert, H. Li, C.-Y. Wu, P. Demeester, G. Roelkens, G. Torfs, “Monolithically Integrated Quadrature EAM Structure for 28 GHz Full Duplex Radio over Fiber “, Proceedings of the Symposium IEEE Photonics Society Benelux Chapter, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  10. K.Y. Kapusuz, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, “Dual-polarized 28-GHz air-filled SIW phased antenna array for next-generation cellular systems“, Proceedings of PAST2019, the IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array System & Technology , 15-18 October 2019, Waltham, USA.
  11. H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, H. Ramon, L. Bogaert, J. Lambrecht, C.-Y. Wu, L. Breyne, J. Declercq, J. Bauwelinck, X. Yin, P. Ossieur, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Low Power All-Digital Radio-over-Fiber Transmission for 28-GHz Band using Parallel Electro-Absorption Modulators“, Proceedings of OFC2020, the Optical Fiber Communications Conference, 8-12 March 2020, San Diego, USA.
  12. L. Bogaert, J. Van Kerrebrouck, H. Li, I. Lima de Paula, K. Van Gasse, S. Lemey, H. Rogier, P. Demeester, G. Roelkens, J. Bauwelinck, G. Torfs, “SiPhotonics/GaAs 28-GHz transceiver for mmWave-over-fiber laser-less active antenna units modulators”, Proceedings of OFC2020, the Optical Fiber Communications Conference, ISBN 978-1-943580-71-2, 8-12 March 2020, San Diego, USA.
  13. L. Breyne, J. Lambrecht, M. Verplaetse, X. Yin, G. Roelkens, P. Ossieur, J. Bauwelinck, “Electro-optic frequency response shaping in high speed Mach-Zehnder modulators“, Proceedings of OFC2020, the Optical Fiber Communications Conference, ISBN 978-1-943580-71-2, 8-12 March 2020, San Diego, USA.
  14. M. Verplaetse, L.Breyne, J. Lambrecht, X. Yin, P. Ossieur, G. Torfs, “Real-time 28 Gb/s NRZ over 80 km SSMF in C-band using analog electronic precompensation” Proceedings of OFC2020, the Optical Fiber Communications Conference, ISBN 978-1-943580-71-2, 8-12 March 2020, San Diego, USA.
  15. S. Lemey, O. Caytan, Q. Van den Brande, I. Lima de Paula, L. Bogaert, H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, A.C.F. Reniers, B. Smolders, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, D. Vande Ginste, S. Verstuyft, B. Kuyken, H. Rogier, “Air-filled substrate-integrated waveguide technology for broadband and highly-efficient photonic-enabled antenna systems”, Proceedings of URSI GASS2020, the XXXIIIrd URSI General Assembly in Rome, 29 August – 5 September 2020, online conference, pp. 1-4.
  16. S. Lemey, O. Caytan, P. Van Torre, H. Rogier, “A holistic antenna design paradigm for the 5G Wireless Communication System“, Proceedings of URSI GASS2020, the XXXIIIrd URSI General Assembly in Rome, 29 August – 5 September 2020, online conference, pp., 1-4.
  17. N. Singh, J. Van Kerrebrouck, C. Caillaud, P. Demeester, X. Yin, G. Torfs, “60 GHz resonant photoreceiver with an integrated SiGe HBT amplifier for analog radio-over-fiber links“, Proceedings of ECOC2020, the 46th European Conference on Optical Communications, 6-10 December 2020, Online, pp. 1-4.
  18. C-Y. Wu, C. Meysmans, H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, O. Caytan, S. Lemey, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Demonstration of a scalable distributed antenna system using real-time bit-interleaved Sigma-Delta-over-Fiber architectures“, Proceedings of ECOC2020, the 46th European Conference on Optical Communications, 6-10 December 2020, pp. 1-4.
  19. L. Bogaert, I. Lima de Paula, O. Caytan, J. Van Kerrebrouck, M. Muneeb, Q. Van den Brande, H. Rogier, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, S. Lemey, G. Roelkens, “A 5-bit, 1.6ps resolution true time delay optical beamforming network for 4-element antenna arrays“, Proceedings of 2021 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, 15-17 November 2021, Pisa, Italy, pp. 1-4.
  20. K.Y. Kapusuz, S. Lemey, P. Demeester, H. Rogier, “Ultra-wideband and substrate-independent AFSIW cavity-backed slot antenna for high-performance smart surfaces“, Proceedings of the 51st European Microwave Conference, ISBN 978-2-87487-063-7, 4-6 April 2022, London, United Kingdom, pp. 656-659.
  21. R. Wydaeghe, S. Shikhantsov, E. Tanghe, G. Vermeeren, L. Martens, P. Demeester, W. Joseph, “Realistic Human Exposure from a 28 GHz and 3.5 GHz Base Station using a Hybrid Ray-Tracer/FDTD method“, Proceedings of BioEM 2022, the 1st Annual Meeting of BioEM Society, 19-24 June 2022, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 439-444.

Conference papers (P1)

  1. H. Li, G. Torfs, T. Kazaz, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, “Farrow structured variable fractional delay Lagrange filters with improved midpoint response”, Proceedings of TSP2017, the 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing , ISBN 978-1-5090-3982-1, 5-7 July 2017, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 506-509.
  2. G. Vermeeren, G. Torfs, A. Thielens, H. Rogier, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Signal-to-interference ratio between Atto cells in an ultra-high density wireless access network”, Proceedings of IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), ISBN 978-1-5090-4454-2, 11-15 September 2017, Verona, Italy, pp. 270-273.
  3. J. Van Kerrebrouck, H. Li, J. Verbist, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, “Nonlinear MIMO impulse responses determination using pseudo random sequences, and nonlinear compensation”, Proceedings of RTUWO, the conference on Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications, ISBN 978-1-5386-0585-1, 2-3 November 2017, Riga, Latvia, pp. 32-35.
  4. J. Van Kerrebrouck, L. Breyne, H. Li, J. Bauwelinck, G. Torfs, P. Demeester, T. Bohn, “Real-time all-digital radio-over-fiber LTE transmission”, Proceedings of RTUWO, the conference on Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications, ISBN 978-1-5386-0585-1, 2-3 November 2017, Riga, Latvia, pp. 83-86.
  5. G. Torfs, H. Li, S. Agneessens, J. Bauwelinck, O. Caytan, W. Joseph, H. Rogier, A. Thielens, D. Vande Ginste, X. Yin, P. Demeester, “ATTO: Wireless networking at Fiber Speed”, Proceedings of ECOC2017, the 43rd European Conference on Optical Communication, 17-21 September 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden, pp. 1-3.
  6. J. Van Kerrebrouck, H. Li, S. Spiga, M. C. Amann, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “10 Gb/s radio-over-fiber at 28 GHz carrier frequency link based on 1550 nm VCSEL chirp enhanced intensity modulation after 2 km fiber”, Proceedings of OFC2018, the Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition, ISBN 978-1-943580-39-2, 11-15 March 2018, San Diego, USA, pp. 1-3.
  7. C-Y. Wu, H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, L. Breyne, L. Bogaert, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Real-time 4×3.5 Gbps sigma delta radio-over-fiber for a low-cost 5G C-RAN downlink“, Proceedings of ECOC2018, the 44th European Conference on Optical Communications, ISBN 978-1-5386-4862-9, 23-27 September 2018, Roma, Italy, pp. 1-3.
  8. H. Li, M. Verplaetse, J. Verbist, J. Van Kerrebrouck, L. Breyne, C.-Y. Wu, L. Bogaert, X. Yin, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, “Real-time 100-GS/s sigma-delta all-digital radio-over-fiber transmitter for 22.75-27.5 GHz band”, Proceedings of OFC2019, the Optical Fiber Communications Conference, ISBN 978-1-943580-53-8, 3-7 March 2019, San Diego, USA.
  9. O. Caytan, L. Bogaert, H. Li, J. Van Kerrebrouck, S. Lemey, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, D. Vande Ginste, Hendrik Rogier, “Passive opto-antenna using air-filled substrate-integrated-waveguide technology“, Proceedings of SPI2019, IEEE 23th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity , ISBN 978-1-5386-8342-2, 18-21 June 2019, Chamberry, France, pp. 1-4.
  10. C-Y. Wu, H. Li, O. Caytan, J. Van Kerrebrouck, L. Breyne, S. Lemey, Hendrik Rogier, J. Bauwelinck, P. Demeester, G. Torfs, ” Distributed MU-MIMO Demonstration Using FPGA-Based Sigma-Delta-over-Fiber [Best Demo Paper]”, Proceedings of ECOC2019, the 45th European Conference on Optical Communications, 23-27 September 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
  11. L. Bogaert, H. Li, K. Van Gasse, J. Van Kerrebrouck, J. Bauwelinck, G. Roelkens, G. Torfs, ” Narrowband Photoreceiver for Analog Radio-over-Fiber in the 24.25-29.5 GHz Band “, Proceedings of ECOC2019, the 45th European Conference on Optical Communications, September 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
  12. J. Bauwelinck, P. Ossieur, M. Vanhoecke, J. Lambrecht, H. Ramon, L. Bogaert, L. Breyne, C. Bruynsteen, M. Verplaetse, J. Van Kerrebrouck, B. Moeneclaey, G. Torfs, G. Roelkens, J. Van Campenhout, X. Yin, “High-speed electronics for silicon photonics transceivers“, invited, Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe, Vol. 11364, 6-10 April 2020, online conference, France, pp. 1-8.

Abstracts and Talks

  1. W. Joseph, G. Vermeeren, A. Thielens, M. Deruyck, L. Martens, G. Torfs, H. Li, S. Agneessens, J. Bauwelinck, O. Caytan, E. De Poorter, J. Hoebeke, B. Jooris, I. Moerman, H. Rogier, D. Vande Ginste, P. Demeester, “RF EMF exposure evaluation of an ultra high density wireless access network”, invited talk, SEMCAD/Sim4Life workshop at Eucap 2016, 13 April 2016, Davos, Switzerland, pp. 1.
  2. S. Shikhantsov, A. Thielens, G. Vermeeren, P. Demeester, L. Martens, W. Joseph, “Numerical assessment of human electromagnetic exposure in ATTO-cell wireless networks”, Proceedings of Uncertainty Modeling for Engineering Applications (UMEMA 2017), 23-24 November 2017, Torino, Italy, pp. 1.

Presentation awards

  1. S. Shikhantsov, BioEM2017 Joint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Hangzhou, China, June 5 – 9 2017. best poster presentation award (1st ) place (presentation title; Industrial indoor massive MIMO human EM-exposure evaluation)